Exercise After Gynecomastia Surgery
Many men with active lifestyle who have gynecomastia surgery prefer to return to the gym as soon as possible after the surgery. But as with any surgical procedure, strenuous exercise after gynecomastia surgery is not advised. The exact timeline for resuming exercise varies and depends on each patient’s individual healing ability and the extent of the procedure done (liposuction alone versus surgical excision). Some patients will be cleared to resume all normal activities within a few weeks, others need more time before they can work out again. We will monitor your recovery and advise you as to when you can increase the routine.
Here are some guidelines of what you can expect regarding exercise after gynecomastia excision surgery.
First week you must rest so you don’t irritate your incisions and possibly cause complications, including bleeding that may require additional corrective surgery. Your increase in activity has to be gradual and you have to be patient.
You can do light walking as soon as you feel up to it, 15-30 minutes a day. This will help reduce the risk of blood clots. Wear your compression garment. If you feel fatigued or out of breath, slow down or stop. Increase of heart rate can disrupt your stitches or cause increase in swelling and bruising and will impact your final result.
After the first week, slowly increase the pace and duration of your walks. If you have no discomfort, you can do some forms of low-impact cardio: stationary cycling or walking on the elliptical. No running or high impact activities and no swimming. You might be able to do some gentle arm lifts or side bends but only very light stretching is allowed for upper body at this point and only if cleared to do so.
Week 3-4 you can increase activity but keep the focus on the lower body. It is best to use machines to better control each movement and reduce risk of upper body injury. At one month follow up, additional exercises will be discussed based on the progress of recovery.
Week 4-6 most patients will be cleared for increased impact exercise, like jogging.
After 6 weeks you will most likely be cleared for upper body strength training. Bear in mind that your muscles are weak post surgery so they are more prone to injury. It’s essential to go easy and be patient.
You have to be fully healed before returning to contact sports or any activity where you might bump or hit the chest area. Even after your incisions are closed, tissues are still healing.
Always listen to your body. If in pain, stop.
The best results take time, so make sure you pace yourself and follow your surgeon’s advice for a successful recovery.